Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Marathon Training Log: Week 14

Weekly summary: 85.1 miles (!)

Weekly Summary
Monday, Apr 03, 2017 thru Sunday, Apr 09, 2017

Day Miles Pace Description Link
Mon 6.0 8:24 AM recovery miles strava
Mon 4.0 8:18 Double recovery strava
Tue 15.0 7:57 MLR on the humid bus strava
Wed 5.0 7:57 Track warmup strava
Wed 4.2 6:48 5 x 1000 w 400 jog strava
Wed 1.6 8:31 Track cool down strava
Thu 6.1 8:05 AM recovery miles strava
Thu 4.0 8:16 Double recovery strava
Fri 12.0 7:41 MLR strava
Sat 7.0 8:09 Easy miles strava
Sun 20.1 7:12 SLR w 14 @ MP (6:50 avg) strava

85.0 7:47

Mon 4/3/17
Workout: AM: 6 recovery PM: 4 recovery
Notes: Morning weigh-in: 171.2 / AM easy recovery miles. No soreness after race yesterday. Easy, relaxed miles. PM: 4 recovery miles. Hamstrings feel a bit tight. Moving around tomorrows intervals to Wednesday and doing the MLR tomorrow instead

Tue 4/4/17
Workout: 15 mile medium long run
Notes: hello again humidity. lost 5 pounds water weight. Really took awhile to get going this morning. Combination of humidity and tired legs. Was able to have a nice run though - first 5 8:56, 8:30, 8:25, 8:20, 8:13, then started to settle in and feel comfortable 7:58, 7:56, 7:57, 7:42, 7:37, 7:34, 7:34, 7:42, 7:31, 7:24

Wed 4/5/17
Workout: 5 x 1000 w 400 jog (10.8 total)
Notes: Warm, but less humid today. Really struggled with this workout. Few causes: coming off the race on Sunday, plus moving the track workout to AFTER the MLR instead of before per the training schedule. Also, think I got a bit dehydrated, which snuck up on me. Workout was suppose to be 6 x 1k @ 5k pace w/ 50%-90% recovery time. Went through 1st interval in 3:45, where my target was 3:41. Knew I didn't have much today, so tried to salvage some quality and audibled into cruise intervals @ 6:10 - 6:15 pace. Next 3 days should be fairly easy as I have Sunday 20 mile LR w/ 14 @ MP that may be the most critical workout of this cycle. Need to be as fresh as possible for it, despite this being my peak mileage week.

Thu 4/6/17
Workout: AM: 6 recovery PM: 4 recovery
Notes: Warm. Rare weekday night out last night, but actually felt really fresh. Suppose that's one benefit to reducing the intensity of intervals the day before. Easy AM recovery miles before the rain comes. Had to keep myself from pushing the pace which is not usually the case on recovery days. Double recovery on tap today. PM recovery miles nice and easy.

Fri 4/7/17
Workout: 12 mile medium long run
Notes: Cold. Windy. Legs felt fresh and eased into MP + 10% pace. Splits (8:36, 8:10, 8:05, 7:46, 7:39, 7:32, 7:28, 7:26, 7:27, 7:13, 7:32, 7:20). 58 miles through Friday - new weekday mileage PR!

Sat 4/8/17
Workout: 7 miles recovery
Notes: Cool. Breezy. Easy recovery miles. Feel ready for tomorrow!

Sun 4/9/17
Workout: 20 mile long run with 14 at marathon pace
Notes: Cool to warm by end of run. No wind. Key workout of this cycle. Great success! Had this one circled from the get-go. Was a bit intimidating on paper a few months ago, but wasn't that big a mountain once I had successfully completed the long runs with 10 and 12 miles at MP. Run went 4 mile warm up, 14 at marathon pace, 2 cool down. Wanted the first few MP miles to mimic the start of the marathon, in that they would both be 10 - 15 seconds slower than my 6:50 goal marathon pace. Splits: 7:05, 7:00, 6:47, 6:46, 6:50, 6:50, 6:55, 6:43, 6:46, 6:46, 6:47, 6:53, 6:52, 6:50. Overall, 20.1 miles in 2:25 or 7:13 average pace. This was a depletion run in that I took no nutrition or hydration with me. I did take a quick water fountain stop after 10.5 miles. I grew slightly fatigued about 8 or 9 miles in, but was never really uncomfortable. Gotta feel really good about this effort. With a solid taper and fresh legs, a sub 3 is there for the taking.

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