Saturday, March 25, 2017

Marathon Training Log: Week 11

Week 11: 54.4 miles

Weekly Summary
Monday, Mar 13, 2017 thru Sunday, Mar 19, 2017

Day Miles Pace Description Link
Mon 5.8 8:24 AM Recovery miles strava
Mon 6.2 7:09 PM - Snowy track sesh 5 x 600 @5k w 200 jog strava
Tue 5.9 8:15 Easy miles strava
Wed 11.0 7:59 MLR strava
Thu 6.7 7:55 Easy miles to close out 31 day runstreak. NYC half this wknd! strava
Sat 4.7 10:17 Central Park shakeout w/ Des flyby strava
Sun 0.8 8:49 Morning Run strava
Sun 13.3 6:31 NYC Half Marathon - PR! strava

54.4 7:48

This week was a planned cutback week in both mileage and intensity, incorporating a mini taper leading up to the NYC Half on Sunday.

Mon 3/13/17
AM Workout: 5.8 recovery miles
PM Workout: 5 x 600 w 200 jog
Notes: morning weigh-in: 172.4 / Easy recovery miles AM. PM: 2 mi up, 5 x 600 @ 5k w 200 jog (2:08 - 2:10), 1.5 down. Decided to move up the track workout a day due to snow storm scheduled to reach DC tomorrow. Started snowing once I got up to the track, and was rather windy, but good to get it in. First track session of the year.

Tue 3/14/17
Workout: 5.8 recovery miles
Notes: Cold. Windy. Had to wait until 5pm due to STELLA. Easy miles, but now is 4th run in a little over 48 hours. Not a fan of this weather.

Wed 3/15/17
Workout: 11 MLR
Notes: Brutaly cold. Windy. Awful. Had a bad run to boot. Felt sluggish, couldn't get much going. TWO bathroom stops. Don't exactly feel ready for this half on Sunday. Today marks day 30 of the current run streak. One more tomorrow then finally a rest day on Friday. Feeling like I may have over extended myself? Hope not and this cut back week on mileage and intensity will help. Need to bear down these last 4.5 weeks!

Thu 3/16/17
Workout: 6.7 recovery miles
Notes: Easy recovery miles

Fri 3/17/17
Workout: Rest day
Notes: Travel day to NYC. Planned rest and recovery day. End of 31 day runstreak.

Sat 3/18/17
Workout: 4 mile shakeout
Notes: Birthday run! Birthday run in central park! With wife! And a Des flyby! And snow! Perfect.

Sun 3/19/17
Workout: NYC Half marathon
Notes: 1:26:38 - PB! Will write up a race recap.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Marathon Training Log: Week 10

Week 10: 76.5 miles

Weekly Summary
Monday, Mar 06, 2017 thru Sunday, Mar 12, 2017

Day Miles Pace Description Link
Mon 5.8 8:36 Recovery miles strava
Tue 9.0 7:39 Going steady strava
Wed 15.1 7:32 "Medium" long run strava
Thu 7.0 8:20 Recovery miles strava
Fri 13.1 7:15 4up, 7 tempo (6:32 avg), 2down strava
Sat 8.4 8:16 Recovery miles + strides strava
Sun 18.0 7:42 SLR strava

76.4 7:47

Mon 3/6/17
Workout: AM: 5.8 recovery miles, PM: rest
Notes: morning weigh-in: 172.2 / Easy recovery miles AM. PM: felt tired, and in need of rest, so opted for no double. Gotta listen to the body!

Tue 3/7/17
Workout: 9 miles steady
Notes: Mild. 2 up, 7 aerobic ~7:30 pace. Still feel fatigued. Tired. Steady state tougher to get to today.

Wed 3/8/17
Workout: 15 mile medium long run
Notes: Warm. Breezy. 4 mile warmup, then 11 averaging 7:21 pace. Still felt fatigued, but tried to keep the pace comfortable and not work for it. Big tempo run on Friday, so didn't want to force a fast finish today.

Thu 3/9/17
Workout: 7 recovery miles
Notes: Warm. Easy recovery miles

Fri 3/10/17
Workout: 13 miles with 7 tempo
Notes: Cool. Breezy. Woof. 7 mile tempo today. 4 warm up, 7 (6:39, 6:36, 6:33, 6:25, 6:33, 6:36, 6:26) for a 6:32 avg, 2 cool. Tempo was tough. Tailwind, headwind, tailwind, headwind. Flat route. I feel pretty good about the effort - though I was a bit dissapointed I couldn't negative split the entire workout. Puts me in position to hit 1:25 in New York, which has been  a goal all along.

Sat 3/11/17
Workout: 8 recovery miles + 6 strides
Notes: Cold. Easy recovery miles

Sun 3/12/17
Workout: 18 mile long run
Notes: Cold. Comfortable long run (7:43 avg pace). Tried to keep it as relaxed as possible with the NYC half next weekend. Planning a cut back week next with less overall intensity. Also, wanted to set up the possibility of getting a PM workout in on Monday with the incoming winter weather.

Marathon Training Log: Week 9

Week 9: 80.5 miles

Weekly Summary
Monday, Feb 27, 2017 thru Sunday, Mar 05, 2017

Day Miles Pace Description Link
Mon 5.8 8:18 Recovery miles strava
Mon 4.1 8:29 Monday Daily Double strava
Tue 9.1 7:30 9 steady strava
Wed 15.1 7:27 MLR w 5 @ MP strava
Thu 8.0 8:24 Headwind, tailwind, crosswind, all the wind strava
Fri 13.1 7:32 Medium long run finishing faster strava
Sat 7.4 7:57 Easy miles + strides strava
Sun 18.0 7:11 SLR w 12 @ MP (6:48 avg) "comfortably uncomfortable" strava

80.6 7:40

Mon 2/27/17
Workout: AM: 5.8 recovery miles, PM: 4.1 recovery miles
Notes: morning weigh-in: 173.6 / Easy recovery miles AM. Easy recovery miles PM. Planning to continue doubles and #nodaysoff as long as my body doesn't indicate otherwise.

Tue 2/28/17
Workout: 9 miles steady
Notes: Warm-ish. 2 warmup, 7 aerobic/steady (7:26, 7:23, 7:22, 7:20, 7:23, 7:28, 7:20). Felt mostly comfortable. Big mileage week ahead; planning to hit 80, which will probably be my peak mileage this cycle give or take a mile or two.

Wed 3/1/17
Workout: 15 mile medium long run
Notes: March! In like a lion. Or is that April? At least all these miles will allow me to have SEVERAL shamrock shakes this month. 4 mi warmup, 4 mi aerobic (7:34, 7:35, 7:18, 7:10), 5 @ ~MP (6:51, 6:37, 6:50, 6:52, 6:48), 2 warm down. Legs definitely fatigued. Feeling pretty drained.

Thu 3/2/17
Workout: 8 recovery miles
Notes: XTREME wind. Easy recovery miles.

Fri 3/3/17
Workout: 13 mile medium long run fast finish
Notes: Cold. Less wind though. Progressive medium long run, trying to keep it loose and comfortable (8:41, 8:16, 8:01, 7:43, 7:34, 7:32, 7:22, 7:22, 7:14, 7:06, 6:49, 6:51, 7:28).

Sat 3/4/17
Workout: 7 recovery miles + 6 strides
Notes: Cold. Windy. Sad. Easy recovery miles plus 6 strides

Sun 3/5/17
Workout: 18 mile long run w/ 12 @ MP
Notes: 4 mile warmup then 12 at marathon pace (6:58, 6:58, 6:47, 6:45, 6:49, 6:47, 6:48, 6:47, 6:45, 6:53, 6:48, 6:38). Marathon pace miles were "comfortably uncomfortable." This was a big confidence booster that I may be ready for a sub 3 hour marathon at Eugene. Probably one of the 3 most singular important workouts of the cycle. Really pumped to have executed strongly.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Marathon Training Log: Week 8

Week 8 summary: 75.2 miles

Weekly Summary
Monday, Feb 20, 2017 thru Sunday, Feb 26, 2017

Day Miles Pace Description Link
Mon 5.8 8:30 Recovery miles strava
Mon 4.0 8:14 Double the recovery, double the fun strava
Tue 9.0 7:33 9 steady strava
Wed 14.0 7:16 MLR w/ 8 @ MP strava
Thu 7.0 8:40 Recovery miles strava
Fri 11.0 7:42 MLR strava
Sat 7.1 8:17 Club Challenge shakeout strava
Sun 2.6 9:10 Morning Run strava
Sun 0.5 9:14 Morning Run strava
Sun 10.0 6:39 RRCA Club Challenge strava
Sun 4.0 9:01 Recovery miles strava

75.0 7:51

Mon 2/20/17
Workout: 5.8 miles AM; 4.0 miles PM
Notes: morning weight-in: 173.2 / Easy recovery miles AM. Easy recovery miles PM. First double since college

Tue 2/21/17
Workout: 9 miles aerobic
Notes: Cooler. 2 warmup, 7 aerobic/steady (7:27, 7:24, 7:25, 7:23, 7:24, 7:32, 7:26). Wanted to be between 7:30 and 7:40, but ended up going a bit faster. Eyeing tomorrow's MLR for some MP work, so didn't want to over extend myself. Felt like I was working, but controlled.

Wed 2/22/17
Workout: 14 mile medium long run with 8 at marathon pace
Notes: Cool. Light winds. Knew I wanted to get in 6 - 8 miles at marathon pace since this would be the only workout before a 10 mile race on Sunday. Felt pretty good warming up and was able to get going pretty quickly so opted to go with 8. 3 mile warmup (8:40, 8:06, 7:46) then 1 bridge mile (usually first half at warmup effort, then last half building towards the next miles pace), then 8 at (near) MP (6:52, 6:55, 6:46, 6:49, 6:43, 6:48, 6:48, 6:55), then 2 cool down. MP ended up being a bit faster (6:49 avg), but I felt controlled and moderately comfortable; except for the pit stop after the 7th MP due to GI issues (sorry, TMI). Overall, great workout.

Thu 2/23/17
Workout: 7 miles recovery
Notes: Warm. Humid! IN FEBRUARY. Easy recovery miles. 8:40 avg. Felt great.

Fri 2/24/17
Workout: 11 mile medium long run
Notes: Warm. Humid. Comfortable MP + 10% after 3 warmup miles

Sat 2/25/17
Workout: 7 miles recovery
Notes: Warm. Easy recovery miles. Race tomorrow

Sun 2/26/17
Workout: 10 mile road race + 7 mile warmup/cool down
Notes: Cold. Windy. Miserable outside. 1:06:43 for 10 miles on a tough course (I'm not really training for hills since Eugene is flat, maybe that's a mistake?). Attacked hills for the first 6+ miles, but they got to me eventually. I think I'm currently in 1:04 10 mile shape, so I'm not going to dwell on this one too long.