Realized today I haven't updated this here blog in awhile. So, quick update / recap of the past 6 months.
During week 13 of training for Richmond in early October, I felt a discomfort in my upper left leg following a track workout. It got worse. Then got worser. Saw an orthopedist on Halloween, who confirmed I had a minor stress fracture. Treatment: no running for the rest of the year. That sucked.
Didn't do much next 8 weeks except drink beer and eat a lot of pie. Gained 15 pounds.
I felt good enough to start running a few days earlier than planned, just before New Year's. I'll show the doctor! Wife wasn't happy.
Have been running consistently for 7 weeks now. Almost all easy miles. Up to 43 miles on 5 runs a week, long run up to 17. Long run progress was 8 > 10 > 13 > 14 > 16 > 17. Might have been a bit too aggressive, as a runner's knee / IT band issue in the right leg has crept up. Taking a needed cut-back week now, hopefully will help things.
It better - less than 8 weeks to go until Boston!