Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October Update

Quick Update:

Easing back into training after Marquette:
Week 1 post marathon: 6 miles
Week 2: 27 miles
Week 3: 23 miles
Week 4: 36 miles
Week 5: 42.5 miles
Week 6: 35.5 miles
Week 7: 38.5

Medium-Long runs have only been 10 - 11 miles.

Ran a half marathon 6 weeks after Marquette in 1:32:36 in tough race conditions.

Currently in a 6 week 5k training plan, with 3 track workouts each week. Goal race is Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. Goal time is sub 19 (6 min goal pace).

Immediately after the 5K, planning to begin building up mileage to 65 mpw over the next 10 weeks: 40, 45, 50, 55, 47, 55, 60, 50, 60, 65; with the last 5 weeks being the start of the 18 week marathon training plan (goal peak mileage 70 - 75) for Revel Mt. Charleston in Vegas.